#1) Increase the size of your average ticket.
Window on Wheels accomplishes this by making customers aware of additional service and repair needs which they didn't realize they had until they read your helpful, informative newsletter.
#2) Increase the average annual number of visits per customer.
Window on Wheels accomplishes this in three ways: First, by educating customers about maintenance and repairs which they may have neglected or overlooked. Second, by serving as a reminder that it's time to schedule an appointment to get their cars serviced. And third, by helping to convince them that spending a portion of their discretionary income on auto repairs and maintenance can be a better investment than spending those same dollars on a new recliner or flatscreen TV.
#3) Increase the average length of time that
customers remain loyal to your shop.
By maintaining a regular line of communication with customers and continually enhancing your shop's image as problem-solvers and caring professionals, Window on Wheels helps to build and strengthen the long-term loyalty of your customer base.
#4) Increase the size of your customer base
by prospecting for new business.
The secret is to send prospective customers something that really makes you STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD. Window on Wheels has intelligent, useful, lively, friendly content that helps convince prospects that your shop may be the one with the professionalism, expertise, integrity and caring attitude they've been searching for. In addition, the newsletter helps you CLONE YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS by appealing to consumers who are genuinely interested in taking proper care of their vehicles and can afford to pay for needed maintenance and recommended repairs.